Game Guide
This article will help you get the most out of the game Vendettacity as quickly as possible, it's a list of sequential steps.
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This article will help you get the most out of the game Vendettacity as quickly as possible, it's a list of sequential steps.
Last updated
1. Obtain a Character Card. You can do this by buying one from AtomicHub (link) or by purchasing one from Vendettacity (wait for announcements in our discord).
2. Go to the official game website (link will be added soon) and log in using Wax Wallet or Anchor Wallet, which has a character card, and sing New User transaction.
3. The game will ask you to deposit your character card into the game - click on Deposit.
4. Choose the gang you want to be in. Authority determines your share of the gang income and can be earned by either capturing enemy territories or using Pass. After confirmation, your character card will we minted on your wallet, you have to make Deposit of your new Character card.
5. So you have successfully filled in your Character Card and selected a gang, now link the Discord to join the channel for your gang. Enter your nickname in the format shown. Within 2 hours you will receive your role in Discord and be able to view the corresponding channel.
6. In order to get a full playing experience go to the MAP section, this is where the gameplay takes place. Study the layout of the game map and decide on which square you should stand in. Initially you are off the map, so you can only move to the edge square.
Note that the square may belong to a gang or nobody, but either way it has defence points. Your chances of a successful takeover = your Attack points/(your Attack points+Cage Defense points), so try to team up with your gang members and attack enemy cells at the same time.
The profitability of captured cells forms the income of your gang.
However, while you are on the game map you may be raided by Mentors and sent to prison, or you may be contacted by Night Moths, all of which have to be paid for. Also, if you lose the battle for a cell, you go to hospital - this also pays, so choose your next cell carefully.
7. So you are involved in the lifeblood of the gang. You get a bonus every 2 hours depending on your Authority, the average Authority of your Gang and your Gang's Income. Your income is also credited in Dirty Money - you can buy upgrades or a character card that will be delivered to your wallet. You can also exchange your Dirty Money for Clean Money and take it out to your wallet or sell it on the Alcor exchange market.
8. There is an 'Indefinite Leave' button on the Menu which will allow you to withdraw your Card to your Purse keeping all your upgrades, Gang and Authority. The "Leave Gang" button allows you to reset your character card back to its original state - all upgrades, Gang and Authority are reset.
9. Boosts application panel, which changes with the Active Boosts panel. In the Boosts Panel select the Boosts you want to apply and click "Use boosts" to apply them all at once.
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