Cops and Night Butterflies
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The cops are always trying to arrest you! Once every game round (2 hours) the cops raid one of the playing squares and that square goes to neutral and all the Players who were on that square go to jail. To get out of the prison you have to pay a penalty in Dirty Money if you don't have an Alibi Upgrade, but if you do, you won't have to pay it. You will also lose 10% of your authority for each game round that you are in the prison, so you should not linger there. While in prison you will continue to earn income. Once out of jail you will be off the game map and can continue from any extreme cell.
The Night Butterflies can catch up with you in any game round, encountering them will take you off the game map and you will have to pay Dirty Money to continue. Being outside the map does not generate any income.